Tome The Dreamer Mattresses and Appliances
The Power Of Caffeine
Caffeine Effects Your Sleep


The power of caffeine on your sleep quality. When to stop drinking that last cup of Joe and an delicious alternative to boost your energy .

The Caffeine Culprit

My wife always had a very hard time falling asleep and never could figure it out why.

She was also restless when trying to fall asleep, even if she went to bed at a later hour. Because of this, and a lack of proper sleep, she never felt good in the morning. She always felt tired, and more worn out than the day before. She for sure the reason was because she was not getting a good night’s sleep. Week after week, this vicious cycle continued.

One day, she read an article demonstrating the power of caffeine and how long it can affect your body. My wife eliminated having her afternoon coffee and immediately noticed a difference. 

The Power Of Caffeine

The Power Of Caffeine

The article recommended ZERO caffeine after 2 pm, for those who normally go to bed between 8-10 pm. Basically 6 hours before whatever time you go to bed is when you need to stop any and all caffeine intake.

This simple trick will make a huge difference in helping you actually sleep at your bedtime. Plus, if you really need that afternoon boost around 2 pm, try a healthy snack! A handful of salted almonds or nuts of your choice, an apple or carrots and hummus.

ANY healthy alternative is a great substitute to give you that extra energy you need to finish the day strong.

My Favorite Afternoon Pick-Me Up Snack

(bought in bulk) with a spoon of olive oil or your oil of choice, with a sprinkle of salt in a bowl, mix, then roast for 5 minutes at 300F.

This is the perfect snack, and more affordable than buying pre packaged roasted and salted nut varieties.

TIP: I roast a whole baking sheet at a time, so 7 minutes of work turns into a whole jar that lasts me all week!!!

Caffeine Alternative Snack

Helping you get a better sleep

Give it a try tonight and every night for 7 days in a row. Please email me if you find success or have any questions! 
